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Temple Gates of Prayer Special Programs Zoom Recordings

Have you missed some of our special program and want to watch the recording? Click on the links below for specific programs.


The Thirteen Doorways to Studying Torah


Comming Soon.






 Jewish Ethics based primarily upon Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's three   books on the subject (Jewish Values, his 2-volume 
 Jewish Ethics). There will also be an exploration into other rabbinic   sources from Talmudic times to the modern era.

 Sunday 01/15/2023

 Sunday 02/05/2023



Stephen Sondheim's Rebirth: How Sunday in the Park with George Rejuvenated a Career in Theater with Gil Harel, PhD



  Jewpanese – Convergence of Jewish and Japanese Cultures    with Deborah Abramowitz



   Conversations about Music with Irene Okner 
   Session 1: Music of Ancient Lands 
   Session 2: Mysteries of Medieval Music





Jewish Composers: Gershwin, Copeland and Bernstein & Their Impact on American Music with Dr. Gil Harel, October 19, 2021



Judaism and the Environment: Ancient Wisdom for Our Modern Day with Lawrence Siegel, October 26, 2021





Temple Gates of Prayer's Topic for the Global Day of Jewish Learning: "The Power and Mystique of the Mourner's Kaddish" with Rabbi Albert Thaler, November 7, 2021




Temple Gates of Prayer's Veterans Day Program with Rabbi Brad Hoffman, Rabbi Bonnie Koppell and Rabbi Brett Oxman, November 10, 2021





TGP Adult Ed Presents: Short Story Discussion with Rabbi Albert Thaler, Rabbi Emeritus, March 22, 2022




 Passover Seder Sing Down with Hazzan Bear,   April 7, 2022

Temple Gates of Prayer Class Zoom Recordings

Have you missed some of the classes and want to watch the recording? Click on the links below for specific classes.

 Parsha Tidbits with Rabbi Biller, Tuesday's at 5:00 PM:
 Tuesday, November 3rd
 Tuesday, November 10th
 Tuesday, November 17th
                                                Tuesday, November 24th
                                                Tuesday, December 1st
                                                Tuesday, December 8th
                                                Tuesday, December 15th
                                                Tuesday, December 22nd
                                                Tuesday, December 29th
                                                Tuesday, January 5th
                                                Tuesday, January 12th
                                                Tuesday, January 19th
                                                Tuesday, January 26th
                                                Tuesday, February 2nd
                                                Tuesday, February 9th
                                                Tuesday, March 2nd
                                                Tuesday, March 9th
                                                Tuesday, May 11th
                                                Tuesday, May 25th

 Beginner Hebrew Reading with Hazzan Bear
Sunday, January 31st
 Wednesday, February 10th
 Wednesday, February 17th
 Sunday, February 21st
                                                Sunday, February 28th
                                                Sunday, March 7th
                                                Sunday, March 21st
                                                Sunday, April 11th
                                                Thursday, May 6th
                                                Thursday, May 13th
                                                Thursday, May 20th
                                                Thursday, May 27th

 Beyond Dispute JTS Course with Rabbi Biller, Tuesday's   at 8:00 PM: 
 Tuesday, January 12th: Does Debate Divide or Connect   Us?
                                                Tuesday, January 19th: Is Judaism Universal or   
                                                Particularistic? Do We Support The World Or Support Our

                                                Tuesday, January 26th: Do We Have To Believe What We                                                    Pray? 
                                                Tuesday, February 2nd: Two Different Kinds of Jewish                                                        Covenants - Law And Love
                                                Tuesday, February 9th: Is Judaism A Religion Of The                                                            Heart Or Of The Mind? 
                                                Tuesday, March 3nd: Does the Torah Contain Everything                                                    We Need to Know? The Maimonidean Controversy
                                                Tuesday, March 9th: When Can We Legitimately Modify                                                    Tradition? Waging War on Shabbat 
                                                Tuesday, March 16th: Who Wields Authority in Jewish                                                        Ritual? Smashing Wine Barrels and the Patriarchy 
                                                Tuesday, April 27th: What Do We Mean by Jewish                                                                Continuity? The Legacy of “Be Fruitful and Multiply”
                                                Tuesday, May 11th: How Much Should Tragedy Define Us?
                                                The Holocaust in Contemporary Jewish Life 

 Davening for Grown Ups with Rabbi Biller and Hazzan   Bear, Select Tuesday's at 8:00 PM:
 Tuesday, October 27th
 Tuesday, November 10th
 Tuesday, December 1st - Part 1 
                                                Tuesday, December 1st - Part 2
                                                Tuesday, December 8th - Part 1 
                                                Tuesday, December 8th - Part 2

 Book of Job Class with Rabbi Biller, Select Thursday's at   8:00 PM:
 Thursday, November 12th
 Thursday, November 19th
 Thursday, December 3rd

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785